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Our courses are conducted on anatomical preparations of stabilized fresh-frozen cadavers in order to ensure maximum safety for the participants from the point of view of infections and an ideal superimposability to the living person.

Take advantage of this experience while learning detailed anatomy.

The application of our surgical techniques is a fundamental step, that however follows the strengthening of anatomical knowledge.

We do not offer only dissection courses for application of surgical techniques or implant positioning.

Learn how to dissect all neurovascular and muscle tissues with the leading experts in this field.

We pride ourselves of an international teaching staff of anatomists and clinicians with  considerable experience in the field of anatomical dissection, and we boast a strong partnership with the professors of the Department of cranio-cervico-facial anatomy at the Université René Descartes Paris V, a historical reference center for anatomical dissection in Europe, and one of the most prestigious in the world

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A modern and well-equipped cadaver lab.

The Cadaver Lab in Trecchi Palace is a modern and high-tech facility which has been designed paying the utmost attention to teaching paths.

Thirteen operating stations are present in the section room; each station is equipped with all microsurgery instruments necessary for dissection as well as a videocamera for recording practice  and live connection with the conference room.