Dr Bonanno

Dr. Vincenzo Bonanno

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2007 with Specialization in Maxillofacial Surgery in 2014 at the University of Milan/U.O. Maxillofacial Surgery Complex IRCCS Galeazzi di Milan. Active in this Institute since 2006, he has gained experience in traumatological, oncological, orthognathic of the head and neck area.

From 2008 to today he has carried out surgical operations as first operator, assistant or assistant, in the field of oncology, reconstructive, microsurgical, facial paralysis, orthognathic, traumatology, pre-prosthetic, cutaneous, oral and aesthetics of the head and neck area.

The associated anatomical knowledge clinical experience have made it possible to carry out facial aesthetic medicine treatments to the maximum safety with the aim of solving facial blemishes and defects through the use of the best products (fillers, botulinum toxin or revitalisers).
Since 2013 he has practiced as a doctor/cosmetic surgeon and oral surgeon.
Since 2014, first level manager of the IRCCS Galeazzi Maxillofacial Surgery Unit in Milan.

Since 2017 member of the Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) and qualified for GAE (large autohemotransfusion), achieving excellent results in multiple pathologies such as sclerotherapy and mesotherapy applied to improve the vascular circulation.
Furthermore, since 2019 he has collaborated with the multi-specialist Nova Lux Clinic in Meda, initially as a contact person for the execution, on angiological indication, of mesotherapy and sclerotherapy of venous telangiectasias, then – following the expansion of the treatments offered – as Head of the Medicine service Aesthetics.


The Academy avails itself of an international teaching staff of anatomists and clinicians with a considerable experience in the field of anatomic dissection, and boasts a strong partnership with the professors of the Department of cranio-cervico-facial anatomy of the Université René Descartes Paris V, a historical reference center for anatomic dissection in Europe, and one of the most prestigious in the world.

Enhance your profession by learning to know anatomic structures.

The Cadaver Lab in Trecchi Palace is a modern and high-tech structure which has been designed paying the utmost attention to paths.

Thirteen operating stations are present in the sectory room; each station is equipped with all microsurgery instruments necessary for dissection as well as with a videocamera for recording practice exercise and for live connection with the conference room.

Start your unique path.

If you enrol in the courses of the Academy of Craniofacial Anatomy you can:

  • Dispel doubts and fears, while overstepping your clinical limits

  • Learn how to prevent and manage surgical complications

  • Dissect all neurovascular and muscular structures

  • Operate with maximum safety from the point of view of infections