dr Camilla Di Pasquali

Dr. Camilla Di Pasquali

Laureata in medicina e chirurgia presso l’Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata il  20/07/2011.

Specializzazione in Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica presso Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza il 25/07/2017.

Dottorato in Scienze Medico Chirurgiche applicate conseguito presso Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata il 11/6/2020.

Co-autore di circa 15 pubblicazioni Scientifiche.

Durante la formazione si è dedicata in particolare alla chirurgia ricostruttiva/microchirurgia testa collo ed arti ed alla chirurgia estetica del volto e del corpo.

Fondatrice e Medical Director del BTX bar Italia dove si occupa di medicina/chirurgia estetica e della formazione del personale medico collaboratore.

Trainer per la medicina estetica presso Center of Excellence Allergan.

Trainer per Corso di dissezione anatomo-chirurgica dei tessuti molli del volto presso Centro ICLO Verona.


The Academy avails itself of an international teaching staff of anatomists and clinicians with a considerable experience in the field of anatomic dissection, and boasts a strong partnership with the professors of the Department of cranio-cervico-facial anatomy of the Université René Descartes Paris V, a historical reference center for anatomic dissection in Europe, and one of the most prestigious in the world.

Enhance your profession by learning to know anatomic structures.

The Cadaver Lab in Trecchi Palace is a modern and high-tech structure which has been designed paying the utmost attention to paths.

Thirteen operating stations are present in the sectory room; each station is equipped with all microsurgery instruments necessary for dissection as well as with a videocamera for recording practice exercise and for live connection with the conference room.

Start your unique path.

If you enrol in the courses of the Academy of Craniofacial Anatomy you can:

  • Dispel doubts and fears, while overstepping your clinical limits

  • Learn how to prevent and manage surgical complications

  • Dissect all neurovascular and muscular structures

  • Operate with maximum safety from the point of view of infections